Beau Brewster's Italy Mission Blog

Beau Brewster's Italy Mission Blog
this blog was created by Beau's Dad so that you can enjoy beau's mission as he does

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Beau Arrives Home

Beau will fly in Wednesday night at 11:00 at the SLC airport. His homecoming will be Sunday the 16th of August at his ward building in Orem 500 South and 500 West. Geneva Height Stake Building. He will be leaving for AZ right after the Service. There will be a Pre-reception at 11:00 at his house.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Final Letter from Italy

It has been a roller coaster ride. Right now i am feeling bitter sweet feelings. I know that this is the next step of my life and i am facing it with hope and full trust in the Lord. For my final interview with President Acerson I was asked to write 3 things: a list of 30 blessings that have come from the mission, Leaving a Legacy and a letter to myself that i will receive in a year. I want to include in my email today the first 2, the blessings and Leaving a Legacy. THE BLESSINGS THAT I RECEIVED DURING MY MISSION During your mission you have developed talents, characteristics, knowledge and your testimony. Please make a list of 30 of these talents here below. 1. A stronger realization and personal testimony of the Atonement 2. The ability to work in 2 and in groups rather than doing it all by myself) 3. I'm better at planning and organizing 4. Patience with myself and with others 5. A testimony of the power of prayer. Blessed with powerful and edifying prayers 6. The ability to endure to the end and being diligent 7. Greater developed leadership skills 8. Learned what it truly means to forgive 9. Learned how to get along with and love men my age. 10. A great desire to serve and help others 11. Greater love and respect for church leaders. 12.How to recognize the promptings of the Spirit and to act upon them. 13. A comprension of the miraculous power of repentance 14. The ability to overcome fear with Faith! 15. The gift of the language. 16. Overcome my weakness of judging others 17. A strong relationship with my Heavenly Father 18. The ability to recognize miracles. 19. Faith in the Lord and being able to trust in His will rather than mine. 20. Preparation for being a husband and Father. 21. The ability to not stress our nor worry (as much as before :)- ) 22. To trust and confide in my companion, leaders and the Lord 23. Testimony of how important it is to take advantage of every opportunity. 24. I'm much more grateful. 25. The gift of teaching with the Spirit. 26. Greater love for the scriptures and talks from general authorities. 27. Ability to build strong relationships with others in little time. 28. The ability to be more decisive and sure of myself. 29. The difference between humility & weakness and Pride & confidence. 30. Boldness--not being afraid to be bold when i need to be. There are many more that i didnt have time nor space to write. I am so blessed by the Lord to have served in this mission, serving these people and being with these missionaries. The Lord knows what we need and He gives it to us. It's like a parent who knows that their child needs food, not just any food but good food that will give them strength and keep them helthy. We ask kids often want candy and junk but our parents know that that will do us no good and just damage us so they give us what we need. When we eat it at first we may not like it but at the end we realize that it was perfect for us and that it has a good impact on the rest of our day. The same is with our Heavenly Father. He is not going to give us junk. He knows what we need even if we dont want it. When we try it with faith we will eventually see that it was what we needed to get the result that we wanted. Our Heavenly Father is so wise. He knows... so why do we trust in ourselves rather than a Powerful God who can do all things? This last letter is a letter to the new missionaries that come to the mission. It is put into a book that they can read their first night in Rome. Dear New Missionaries, You are servants of God in the perfect mission for you. Please realize who you are. You are called to certain cities ofr a reason. There are many people that are waiting for you and your companion. Love you companion. You cannot do this work alone. You need them and they need you. In order for miracles to happen you must be united and then the Lord will bless you and "you will not have room enough to receive it." You are called of God. Please remember that! When you truly realize that you will not fear but rather invite all around you with great love. The best thing you can give them is your sincere testimony that is ful of conviction. Always keep that strong desire to share the gospel with everyone. You will bless may lives as you do your part and invite every person you meet to come unto Christ through a missionary invite. Families are waiting for you. Believe! Dream! And you will move mountains! When you stop dreaming and believeing you're just going through the motions. Realize that you don't have to be perfect. You can't be. Give your all and Christ will make up for the rest. He will use you to do a great and marvelous work. Miracles are waiting for you. Make a little miracle book and each day write a miracle that happened that day. It doesnt have to be huge-- you'll see that the little miracles make a great impact in many lives. Italy is about to bloom. You will love the people and have to leave them... like what's happening to me right now. Sincerely: Anziano Beau Brewster Date: 22 Luglio 2009 Ps. INSEGNA CON FEDE, FORZA, E FUOCO!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

July 23, 2009

I cant believe that next week is my last week to email. That is so crazy! The time sure does fly. I am excited, looking forward and ready to come home but at the same time i am going to miss the mission and the many blessings that come from it. I love my mission and am so very blessed to have worked with the Lord to bring his people back to his presence. The work is moving forward! I love this ward. They have their challenges and difficulties that they need to work out but they are such hard working and faithful saints. Half of them are south americans and they are absolutely wonderful. We prayed our first day together to find 3 families that we could work with and ask them for referals. While we were looking through the list the Aranda family stook out in our minds. It was nice that they were at the beginning of the list! We set up an apointment with them, had a great spiritual thought and invited them to bring to our next appointment friends s that we can share our message with them. They agreed. We met on Monday and there they had Her sister's husband and daughter that arrived 2 day prior from Peru. They didnt speak any italian, so we bore our strong testimonies while Sister Aranda translated and then we watched half of the Testaments. We hope that they liked it and understood it. They were exhausted so they were doozing for a little bit of it, but i am sure that they felt the spirit. They are coming to our ward FHE on Wednesday. That was 1 miracle. On Saturday we had the Baptism for Marilena (Stella) Spagnolo. She is the fieance of our ward mission leader Fabrizio Salza who is incredible! By far the best ward mission leader that i have ever had. I love that man. The baptism was so spiritual. The theme was trials, tempests, afflictions and through the Lord we can overcome it all! It does not mean that the trials wont come actually it means that more will come but we will be able to withstand them and not give into them. There Omar (a new convert) brought a friend Fernando from Mexico who is amazing. Sad to say he lives out of our boundaries but the Rome 3 elders are working with him. Sunday at lunch we had a great apointment with Jacquelin who is a new investigator. We taught her the plan of salvation. She is great. She is the only one of her family here in Italy. She has been here for 2 years and is great friends with the barrocal family. They have been friends for short time but have made a great friendship they seemed like life long friends. She came with us after to the once a year sacrament meeting in spanish. It was incredible. I have to learn spanish when i get back. I am going to try to take a class in college. Last night we had a breaking box correlation with all of the leaders. We have a lot to change in the ward and with Fabrizio we are able to do it. I just love Rome. Every day i run into someone i knew a year and a half ago. I have loved seeing the members again. I am so surprized that they remember me and that they love me, i sure do love them. The mission is incredible! I love the Lord and know that He prepares us for what we need to do. Love, Elder Beau Brewster